


primitives Description
parallel (x,size) Splits the dimension by size and parallelizes the outer dimension.
vectorizer(x) Vectorizes the dimension specified by x.
unroll(x) Unrolls the dimension specified by x.
reorder(dim_inner,…,dim_outer) Reorder to dimensions of a Func from dim_inner(most) to dim_outer(most)
split(x, outer,inner, factor) Splits the dimension specified by x into inner and outer dimensions. The inner dimension iterates from 0 to factor-1.
fuse (inner,outer, fused) Fuses the dimensions specified by variables inner and outer into a single dimension specified by fused.
tile (x,y, xo,yo, xi, yi,xfactor, yfactor) Tiles the dimensions specified by the variables x and y by xfactor and yfactor.
## Call Schedule 调度策略
primitives Description
compute_at(consumer, dim) Specify when the producer stage is computed with respect to the consumer stage.
compute_root() Place the computation of the stage at the top level (before anywhere it is used).
store_at(consumer, dim) Specify where the memory for the producer stage is allocated with respect to the consumer stage.
store_root() Place the allocation of the stage at the top leve.